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Hofman-Bang Family





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Niels Benzon

Niels Benzon featured in Tycho de Hofman's book "Fundationer af Peder Lasson" (1753)
Niels Benzon was married to Niels Jacobsen's daugther Mette Nielsdatter.  He was born in Randers in 1609 and died in 1674. According to some sources, the Benzon's originated from Scotland but this is not entirely proven.

His father, Bent Hansen, was mayor and a tradesman in Randers. In his early teens, he traveled abroad to study, very much like other men of his high standing. Niels Benzon went to Germany, France, Belgium, England and Italy. In Padova (just like
Sören Hofman did) he stayed for several years starting in 1633. He made quite a mark at the University there and as a result, was elected Knight of St. Marcus in 1637, an exceptional award for a person coming from Denmark. The same year he took his Doctor's degree in Basel, Switzerland on behalf of a paper on "de catarrho" and was selected as member of the medical faculty. Again, this was another extra-ordinary award.

In 1638, he returned to his home soil and settled himself as a doctor in Aalborg where he remained until his death in 1674. During a period in 1657 he had to escape from the invading Swedes to Kalundborg. In 1658, he was selected as member of the medical faculty for his outstanding contributions in the field of medicine.

Niels Benzon, who came from a very wealthy family, increased his fortunes significantly when he married Mette Nielsdatter in 1640. She and Niels Benzon had played together as children in Randers. Mette was considered a woman with "high intellect and good common sense". She survived her husband and died in June 1687, 82 years old.

Niels Benzon is the forefather to the largest branch of the noble Benzon family. He owned several large estates including Höjris (between 1657 and 1664), Korsögaard, Björnkjaer and Waar (Vaargaard).
Source: Dansk biografisk Lexicon/II. Bind. 1936, Page 78.

Page updated: 8-Dec-2010


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